Sunday, September 9, 2007

Thank you all!

Hi all,

Thank you all for the outpouring of support!

I wrote this blog for my colleagues and some friends, so that is done.

While I am grateful for your generosity, I must remain true to my original intent.

May you all prosper in heart and mind!



Chrisloup said...

is there a reason why you took down the original posts? threat of dismissal?

Chrisloup said...

is there a reason why you took down the original posts? threat of dismissal?

hikaru said...

Dear loupgarou,

perhaps you would like to read what's exactly on this post instead.

Kong Jian Hao said...

By the way, it seems that otto fong is gonna delete this forum part by part, the chatbox is gone. Well, its better to forget this.

All the best.

theonlinecitizen said...

It's back on

Tan Wee Cheng said...

Someone passed me a copy of your posting. Bravo! Well-written piece. Hope you will shape young SIngaporeans and move them away from prejudice.

Old Rafflesian

family man said...

hey, you a the real thing. With you in RI, I am sure the future top echelon of Singapore will be of a better calibre. Bravo -

Ex Rafflesian 1981 class

crashedlanding said...

Hi there.
remain true to yourself... if you cant find peace and happiness from within, you will not find them anywhere else...

Unknown said...

Trying to make a stand but caving in after being pressured by the school and the Ministry to remove your blog?

family man said...

Hi sir -

The On Line citizen is carrying your post and all the comments. They are really good views and show that you have done the students proud. Please continue the comments and add our tributes to the on line citizen. I am sure all will be well in your career!!

c2 said...

No matter what one has achieved in life, it is ultimately being proud of who you are that makes the difference between a winner and a loser.

Bravo, sir.

RI class 08

Hoon Eng said...

Hi Mr. Fong,

I want you to know how touched I was by your entry. I was so incensed by the official response from MOE, that I have written to your principal:

Dear Mr. Koh,

I am writing to congratulate you on your decision that Mr. Fong will
continue to serve in RI and be the wonderful and inspiring teacher he
so obviously is, judging from the many supporting comments on his blog
from his students. As a mother of two gay sons, I feel for many gay
and lesbian people who, understandably, are under great pressure to
remain closeted and lie about their sexuality.

As an educator, I am sure you would agree that young people coping
with growing up is hard enough but with gay and lesbian teenagers,
there is the added burden of being told by some members of their
society that they are "criminals" and "deviants". This causes the
higher incidence of depression and low self-esteem among them. Mr.
Fong's courageous act of coming out on his blog will go a long way
toward dispelling the myth of gays being "abnormal" and encourage
young gay people to view themselves as normal Singaporeans who can
contribute to society too.

As for MOE's decision to ask Mr. Fong to withdraw his blog entry
because teachers are role models and should not espouse "homosexual"
values, I would like to know which of Mr. Fong's values that he so
eloquently wrote about in his blog are "homosexual" ones. Were these
the values that the MOE meant? His desire to serve Singapore? His
passion to educate the young? His not wanting to lie? His desire to
stop hate from being perpetuated?

It is a sad day for Singapore if the rest of us, straight people, did
not also share these values. I would be proud to have my children
educated by teachers like Mr. Fong, whether they are straight, gay,
lesbian or bisexual.

Khoo Hoon Eng

IDWII said...

Hi Otto,

Thank you for your very well written piece. You are incredibly courageous and inspiring. I join you in the hope that one day, this country will truly treat its citizens "based on justice and EQUALITY".

Unknown said...

Otto Fong,
Be resolute and be brave....ultimately your perseverance will pay off.....Book Burning by the Authorities may occur before real justice can come....Hitler's Germany burned millions of books but now Germany is a Beacon of Democracy and Personal Rights....

music-nazi ~ musik mit uns said...
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music-nazi ~ musik mit uns said...

Hi, I applaud to your letter! Really love your bonsai analogy...:O)

sggaychubby said...

Dear Fong...

I am proud of u to have u in our community. Not many of us are brave enough to speak out for ourselves.

I am open to everyone with my identity including my family memebers. I am fortunate to be accepted and supported.

I may be a 'coward' to some people as I choose to leave the land which I call home. A 'home' that do not accept me as what I am or who I am. A 'Mother' who speaks about 'justice and equality' to the whole world but to her own children.

I love my family and friends. Nothing much I could do but to stay away from 'home'.

MOE had failed the whole world educational system... a true role model shall not shall not lie or against the truth.

All the best,
Walfred Lim

blwy10 said...

Good evening Mr Fong,

Though you did not teach me for long, I was always very proud to call you a teacher of mine, as you were absolutely wonderful, for lack of a better way to say it. Reading your letter, I felt even prouder to know that one of the teachers that I most look up to in my entire life has had the courage to reveal something so personal that would potentially have many repercussions, some very severe.

Though it is not much coming from me, a student whom you only taught for less than 6 months, I would just like to let you know that I will support you all the way sir, and that I am just so proud. I wish you all the best in life and more.

Thank you for teaching me

Your most faithful student
Benjamin Lau Wei Yii from the class of 2E in 2005

Darrel said...

Dear Mr Fong,

I am deeply touched by your blog entry and felt that I must write in and stand counted as one of the numerous who are inspired by what you have written.

Your courage, sensitivity, wisdom and honesty shine through your words. I hope that your message can be read more people and continue to inspire many more.

All the best to you.

May you be well and happy.

May truth and justice prevail.

Justin Lim said...

I have nothing for you ... ... ... ... except my RESPECT!

Pat Law said...


dubster said...

i got totally addicted to world of warcraft and missed my livejournal/newspapers/life for days. then i checked it today on a whim to find this gem of an article about you. Few clicks and a dozen comments later, you've taught me more in one letter than my teachers have taught me in all my torturous in-denial closeted gay years in school. Thank you.

hang in there. we will see light soon.

Tom Humphreys said...

Otto, Thanks for your fantastic letter. Wishing you all the Best. In 1977, at the age of 41, I came out as the only openly gay Prof at the University of Hawaii, a singularity I would occupy for more than 10 years. My friends and enemies both thought I was crazy, there were some rough times, I persisted and have had a very successful professional career. I now know that the descision to come out was the most important and best decision of my life. Over the next years, until 1991, when the University accepted an official gay student organization, I met, and I hope helped, literally hundreds of gay students. Remember, even if you have had to remove your letter, you have won this first round--let's hope there are no more reciminations. There certainly will be more battles. And with time and persistence, we all will win this war. Tom Humphreys, Prof of Cell & Mol. Biol.

amitaba said...


By being upfront and speaking your mind, you have effectively given the hypocritical segment of our society a tight slap and a good wake-up call. Thank you.

It is also painstakingly clear that Singapore is in dire need of many many more civil servants of your calibre. (I assume we are aware that self-censorship is killing Singapore, slowly but surely)

MephistophelesOfRICO said...


I want to let you know that no matter what you are, my respect to you will always remain the same. I admire your bravery to be able to proudly announce yourself of being gay. That was really something that a lot of people will not dare to do. Just know Mr Fong, that we will always be behind you.

Auspicium Melioris Aevi

LionHeart said...

Dear Mr Fong,

Let me do a salute to you. As a fellow colleague or should i say was a fellow colleague .... proud of you. I quitted the teaching profession due to discrimination of me coming out in my sexuality. Got warning letter from the MOE. Got a D grade with no performance bonus. And all they can say is that i should change my job scope. That's what my immediate RO, HOD and P said. They are downright forcing a teacher to leave the profession due to her sexuality by not giving the teacher her rights of promotion.

Utterly totally disappointed with the MOE system in school.

I left with dignity still standing up for my rights as a gay. And i hope you do too....


Ms Caterpillar said...


I'm admire your courage and honest.
All the best ahead and no regrets.


polaris said...

I dunno what to say... ... Just Feel you are one blazing light in a darkness.

You were great and still are and will be even more. You will be much more than a teacher to me. I think you of all people haff totally accomplished everything it means to teach.

KEEP BLAZING AND SHINING. You haff a lot to be proud of!

wish u all the best,
ur student.

CLF said...
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CLF said...
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CLF said...
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wyx said...

Dear Mr Fong,

Even though I was not taught by you during my time in RI, the conviction with which my friends (who were your students) admire and respect you speaks for itself.

You have earned my undying respect, and I believe your letter should be held as a model for any other individuals who have been unfairly repressed.

Kudos to you, and I sincerely wish you all the best in your endeavour.

Forth, and fear no darkness!

- a member of the RI Class of 2004

family man said...

Sir there are talks about you intending to quit school on your own free will, even before this outing. Any thing to tell us about this, in case it was a resignation on your part, and not a firing? Do be fair.


Z said...

Hi Sir,
No matter whats your sexuality, you will always be a great teacher and source of inspiration to me. You have done what you can do, which is to teach us to the best of your abilities and to impart as many good values to us as possible. That is your job and you have done it well. Like you have said, there is nothing wrong with being gay. And the Ministry will have to review its rules about teachers not revealing their sexualities openly. All teachers, unless proven to be otherwise, are already revealed to be heterosexual. Hence, what difference does it make to reveal your sexuality openly as long as it doesnt affect your way of teaching? Someone should never be condemned just because of their sexual preferences, skin color or religion. They did not choose this path, hence it is not their fault. They should only be condemned for their lack of effort to make contributions to mankind. We should not treat the homosexuals like how the Germans treat the Jews or like how the Whites treat the Blacks. These two incidents led to a great loss of talent in the respective countries. Remain true to yourself, and one day, homosexuals will be given the same rights as heterosexuals. All of us have red blood cells, 23 pairs of chromosomes etc. All of us are the same.

nutcase said...

kudos to u! u r very brave!

Gabriel said...

I read your story and deleted blog entry on Fridae and i must commend you for your honesty and bravery. you have made a post which gay unfriendly authority in singapore are cringing and wishing will never happen in their lifetime. It further signals to the international community on how Singapore is discriminating against gays and lesbians. I hope your effort will pave the way for the cause.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Dear Sir

I managed to catch your letter this afternoon just before you took it down. It was very inspiring. I want you to know that I have nothing but deep admiration for your courage. Please know that many of us support you. From my observations, Singaporeans (especially the younger generation) no longer stereotype homosexuals as much as we used to. You have my best wishes for your future, and I hope that the authorities and the school administration will not discriminate you from now on because of your decision.

I'm glad (and proud) that a teacher like you, with such love for the country and your students, has served, and will continue to serve the Rafflesian family. I believe with all my heart that the boys under you will emerge as great useful individuals who not only have brains, but a heart as well.

Situation will turn for the better..People are turning less homophobic. Just hang on!

P.S. I love your bonsai tree analogy.

Yours sincerely,
ex-RGS, current RJ student.

Unknown said...

Mr. Fong,

I have to say that I'm very proud to have known you. I remember when I was in Sec 2 - my classmates and I hoped that you would be teaching us Science. We always heard how exciting and fun your lessons were. Though you never did teach me Science and our interaction was limited, I must say that you are someone who I always respected and admired.I guessed the notion of a teacher who balanced the Arts and the Sciences always appealed to me.

Reading your letter, I am so proud to say that I know you - for you have demonstrated unwavering courage in the face of a society who too often dismisses those who are different in any way.

I stand behind you Mr. Fong. It doesn't matter what your race, gender, religion or sexual orientation is. Thank You, for trying to show us all that.

Anish Hazra

omega. said...

Dear Mr Fong,

You didn't teach me for long, and I'm not sure if you remember me but I remember you.

Sir, you lessons were a beacon of humour and fun, and I always respected you. I really don't know what I can say, but I'm proud that I was once your student.

From the Sermon on the Mount you mentioned: "Do not judge so that you will not be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you."

Thank you for daring to speak up and you are an inspiration for all of us.

angelhee said...

Otto Otto Otto
ye shalt suffer forever so
the day ye chose to reveal all
Society will for thy blood call
Drop by drop the acid will fall
The hate is great for those born gay
The price and pain thou will no doubt have to pay
parents will demand your head
the school will want you to forever leave its gate.
True colours thou shalt open thine eyes wide and clear.
Brace thyself for the storm that gathers ever near.
Courage and strength I bestow upon thee
In the pursuit of your true identity.

angelhee said...

Otto Otto Otto
ye shalt suffer forever so
the day ye chose to reveal all
Society will for thy blood call
Drop by drop the acid will fall
The hate is great for those born gay
The price and pain thou will no doubt have to pay
parents will demand your head
the school will want you to forever leave its gate.
True colours thou shalt open thine eyes wide and clear.
Brace thyself for the storm that gathers ever near.
Courage and strength I bestow upon thee
In the pursuit of your true identity.

you can leave word in my choxbox

Jonathan Chow said...

Dear Mr Fong,

Well-said letter. I have learnt many things myself.

I know it has been a tough decision as to whether to take the risk of ostracizing, but at look - you've cleared the boulder in your heart! It IS not good to keep secrets to yourself.

If anyone should fire you or avoid you, it would be because of the dark patch in their own class. Being your student (I currently still am), I feel that you've been a wonderful teacher. With this letter in place, it seems like the complete building block for a model teacher.

We often do not have choices in our daily life and when we are made out to be different from the crowd, the crowd learns to respond by looking from you at a very different angle.

We may tell our peers and juniors to be this and this or this and that, but what is the use of that if we do not do it ourselves?!?!

I don't think anyone should be telling you to take this letter down. Forcing someone to do it is as bad as marginalizing people. They're saying,"you should be what you are and so don't ever try to step out of that tiny circle we've drawn out for you. If you're given this tag (the common perception and stereotyping), then be proud of it whatever it is, and hold it up high." However good the reason may be, this is what it is.

I know this sounds very repulsive of the fact that people are pushed back into their closets. I am saying this once and for all. This will always have oncoming support from whoever out there, and will always receive criticisms on the morals and the moral values this action promotes.

Note to general public
Role modelling should be the way. We should lead by example and not be shy to admit who we are, or what we are. We are Homo Sapiens, sentient creatures capable of wisdom. DO NOT OSTRACIZE HOMOSEXUALS. IT'S AS BAD AS RACISM.

It is also wrong to term such people as gay or what. Homosexual is only alright if you do not call yourself straight. After all, we're all fellow human beings.

I hope this message has inspired you to rally against ostracizing homosexuals.


Regards to all,
Jonathan Chow of class 2H, RI 2007.

Jonathan Chow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jonathan Chow said...

Dear Mr Fong,

Well-said letter. I have learnt many things myself.

I know it has been a tough decision as to whether to take the risk of ostracizing, but at look - you've cleared the boulder in your heart! It IS not good to keep secrets to yourself.

If anyone should fire you or avoid you, it would be because of the dark patch in their own class. Being your student (I currently still am), I feel that you've been a wonderful teacher. With this letter in place, it seems like the complete building block for a model teacher.

We often do not have choices in our daily life and when we are made out to be different from the crowd, the crowd learns to respond by looking from you at a very different angle.

We may tell our peers and juniors to be this and this or this and that, but what is the use of that if we do not do it ourselves?!?!

I don't think anyone should be telling you to take this letter down. Forcing someone to do it is as bad as marginalizing people. They're saying,"you should be what you are and so don't ever try to step out of that tiny circle we've drawn out for you. If you're given this tag (the common perception and stereotyping), then be proud of it whatever it is, and hold it up high." However good the reason may be, this is what it is.

I know this sounds very repulsive of the fact that people are pushed back into their closets. I am saying this once and for all. This will always have oncoming support from whoever out there, and will always receive criticisms on the morals and the moral values this action promotes.

Note to general public
Role modelling should be the way. We should lead by example and not be shy to admit who we are, or what we are. We are Homo Sapiens, sentient creatures capable of wisdom. DO NOT OSTRACIZE HOMOSEXUALS. IT'S AS BAD AS RACISM.

It is also wrong to term such people as gay or what. Homosexual is only alright if you do not call yourself straight. After all, we're all fellow human beings.

I hope this message has inspired you to rally against ostracizing homosexuals.


Regards to all,
Jonathan Chow of class 2H, RI 2007.

Jonathan Chow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr. Wonderful said...

Congratulations from Spain!

akesh abhilash said...

dear sir,

i think you're beautiful.
is it strange?

we all do what we gotta do, but that doesnt change us as people. some things we are obliged to do by society; but there are some things nobody has any right whatsoever to deny- in this case sexual orientation. its about time we started looking into the individual rights of a person- because through all the narrow mindedness and unacceptance; what we have here is merely somebody being true to himself, and living a life he wants to (and has EVERY right to). surrounded by nothing but a string of donts to chain you to these forced faiths anyways, and nobody ever passed their 2.4 through measured steps. Keep fighting, now that you've broken out of your chrysalis. in prose,

the silence is a strange thing.
it reaches out and grabs you
with stuffy tentacles of
and provokes akwardness,
or it caresses the ailing mind.

the sound of nothing is silence;
and we have all lived a little
before our spark jumps
out of the flame.
then we hiss and flare
and make ourselves heard
(or so we try to),
but are extinguished
just like that.

maybe if enough of us jumped
we'd be heard,
a fizzle
to become a roar of sound
which cannot be ignored,
maybe unleash our recherche
of a menagerie of thoughts
ideas and opinions to be promulgated worldwide.

there is nowhere you can go
where you will not hear our voice-
unless of course,

you dont want to.

they might initially believe
your objections hold weight
theyll all eventually realise
that they are just
stop us?

shove your rosicrucian ideals aside;
you cannot.
we are the voice of tomorrow;
and silence will only be
on our terms.

and on a less intelligent note, may all your detractors die painfully and miserably.

(hint: akesh!)

Doro said...

Brave my ass. If you are brave then why you bother to go back into the closet. So whats the point? To get your 5 minutes of fame?

Looks like you are not as courageous as you said you are.

and all you do is delete criticism by the rest and leave the good flowery ones..


José L. Serrano said...

all our love from Spain

Kew Kah Fatt said...

Do meditation to cure your mind. See .
Or visit .

thestranger said...

Hi, Otto. I am Qian'er Chan, a student currently on exchange at National University of Singapore. I come from the city of Guangzhou in China and study in Fudan University in Shanghai.

I am currently doing social research concerning homosexuality in Singapore. I was inspired into this field of research by your courageous and sincere letter that I came across online. I would like to gain a deeper understanding on the concerns and pressure on homosexuality in Singapore, and sincerely hope for an opportunity to chat with you about your reflections on this matter, either online or face-to-face. I guarantee that all the information gathered will be confidentially kept as material solely for academic research.

It would be a great privilege for me, to hold an interview session with you. However, I understand that the nature of this topic is rather sensitive, and I would understand if it is not convenient on your side. Sorry for having to post this letter on your blog ,as I know no other way to reach you.

My email &MSN is I hope to hear from you soon. I would be glad to furnish more details about my research if required. Thank you for your time in reading this letter.

Best Regards,

Kern said...

To: Jack the darklord

All the deleted comments read:
"This post has been removed by the author."
Mr. Fong DID NOT DELETE them. It reads something else when deelted by the moderator. Please, understand the full situation next time before you start labelling people. And how would you know whether he's going back into the closet?

Mr. Fong, you probably don't remember me as you have ever taught me, but you were my teacher I/C for Malaysian Montage '06 (Sarawak), and you struck me as easygoing and approachable, capable of earning the respect of students many times over. From what I heard from my friends who were taught by you, you are a great teacher, and on this I have no reason to doubt them.

All the best.

Tammy said...


Was wondering where can i get a copy of that article? Can it be emailed to me?

many thanks

Doro said...


get ur dumb facts right.. moderators in blogspot will never remove such postings

you r someone that doesnt understand the situation and u r the one that should GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT

And to mr fong.

So what about the bonsai? Guess talk is cheap after all. And claiming that the blog was never intended for ur students when they are the bulk of the taggers... its just a shame

you got your 5 minutes of fame.. congrats

Kern said...

I direct this paragraph back at you.

"you r someone that doesnt understand the situation and u r the one that should GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT"


Author is the person who WROTE the comment.

Tammy said...

looks like this blog is generating alot of animosity...

Doro said...
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Doro said...
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Doro said...
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akesh abhilash said...

dearest darlingest Jack the Darklord,

shut the fuck up :)


Doro said...

may Mr Otto should STFU 1st :)

zak said...
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zak said...

Dear Otto,
As a old Rafflesian, I am very proud of you for being true to yourself. Your letter was written from your heart and its truthfulness was too overwhelming for some and perhaps even appeared threatening to those who do not understand or are ignorant & prejudiced.

I shared your letter with another Rafflesian who is a successful manager now working overseas and he was immensely touched by your honesty and courage.

Your students and colleagues stand by you. Let the storm pass - most of the dark clouds have passed. But be smart and brave. In the end, TRUTH and LOVE prevail and will stand against the tide of bigotry and prejudice.
You have spoken your truth with peace and dignity. It will sink into the minds and hearts of those who matter, those who needed support of some sort. But unfortunately in this world, there will always be those who are blinded by their own fears and ignorance and will only see what they want to see.

MOE seems at a loss to justify what it did but the world knows that prejudice, ignorance and intolerance are not healthy for a nation's growth. Yet, we are a young nation still finding our way and perhaps TIME will heal and help us to grow. The irony is that prejudice & intolerance exist in our education system but there are many dedicated teachers like yourself who will inspire your students regardless of sexuality. You r sheer talent and abilities will stand many tests, challenges & obstacles put before you.

My best literature teachers in secondary school (RI) school were gay. They are probably old men or dead and gone by now (I am already in my 50s). Though they did not reveal their sexuality, we students could tell. Still, we respected them for their passion in leterature, knowledge and dedication to teaching. And we students - gay and straight - were better educated by these wonderful teachers whom we respected a lot for their wisdom and teaching abilities. We benefitted so much from their teaching. ABOVE all, we saw them as GOOD and DEDICATED HUMAN BEINGS; men with talent and a passion for their work and profession as teachers! If they had not been allowed to teach us, we would have lost out the joys of learning in the classes that they taught.

Please be assured that there are many people who support you and wish you well. But you must also be smart to know which battles are worth fighting for you have already made your point. To do more would blunt the point made.

Good luck and best wishes. Be yourself. Be strong, be brave and live happily & productively as the truthful and AUTHENTIC man that you are! You are far more free and liberated just by accepting and being yourself than those who live their lives unproductively "in fear and quiet desperation". That's a waste of LIFE and the talents that are given to us.

God bless you!

Derrick said...

Hi Otto

So well written and i am really tourched after reading.

I am still the bonsai for close to 50 years...

Doro said...

and mr fong is still a newly trimmed bonsai

Kern said...

And you're really really childish.

WillOfHeaven said...

Dear Mr Fong,
I am currently a student in RI and I am sec 1.
I really hope i can be taught by someone as brave and inspiring as you.
I hereby salute you and honour you.

And to Jack the Darklord:
Please do not post lies at this blog. There is too much holyness here and soon you will soon be destroyed even if you made Horcruxes, little Darklord.

CLF said...
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Anonymous said...
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